The AAP named its councillor Prem Lata as the party candidate for the post of Chandigarh mayor on Saturday, days before the January 30 mayoral polls. Lata will take on BJP’s Harpreet Kaur Babla. Polls ...
Ahead of next year’s Assembly elections and the internal rumbling in the Kerala Congress, MP Shashi Tharoor has met the top leadership of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) to make his case for the ...
Nearly 200,000 voters here suffer from irregular water supply, sewage, poor traffic management, bad up streets, parking issues, waterlogging ...
Interestingly, the AAP and Congress are part of the I.N.D.I.A bloc but are not contesting Delhi assembly election together, ...
Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched a scathing attack on AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of running a government that fails to deliver on its promises and instead resorts to ...