An inoculative intervention video was linked to decreased engagement with gambling promotion and increased skepticism of advertisements.
Compromised sleep continuity and initiation may underlie the link between depression and difficulty sleeping among older adults.
Suicide attempt rates in the 90 days following a primary care visit is reduced by integrating suicide care and a substance use program into primary care.
(HealthDay News) — There are disparities in traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related mortality, with the highest rates seen for older adults, men, and non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native persons, ...
Number of U.S. adults who will develop dementia each year projected to increase from ~514,000 to 1 million; lifetime risk is 42 percent after 55 years of age.
(HealthDay News) — There is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up across populations, according to a review published online Jan. 13 in the ...