The water cycle, essential for life on Earth, is showing alarming signs of disruption. According to a recent report, extreme weather events could intensify further in 2025, with dramatic consequences ...
Beneath Antarctica's ice, an unsuspected danger looms. Global warming could awaken dormant volcanoes, triggering a chain reaction with unpredictable consequences. This recent discovery sheds light on ...
Could artificial intelligence (AI) redefine what it means to be human? As this technology permeates our lives, a question arises: how will AI influence our biological evolution, particularly the size ...
The Universe, with its billions of galaxies, presents a complex structure that has intrigued scientists for decades. The question of whether this structure is fractal, meaning similar at all scales, ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) could become a valuable tool for doctors in detecting patients at risk of suicide. A recent study reveals how an automated system helps identify these patients during ...
Honda is engaging in a technological race in electric vehicle batteries. With the announcement of solid-state batteries promising unmatched range, the Japanese manufacturer aims to redefine standards ...
While we are increasingly understanding the many cooperative relationships that can exist between plants, in the jungle, one lifestyle remains quite mysterious: that of strangler trees that kill their ...
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) vient de réaliser une prouesse inédite: se répliquer sans intervention humaine.
L'eau que nous buvons, qu'elle soit en bouteille ou du robinet, contient des microplastiques si petits qu'ils échappent aux réglementations actuelles. Une étude récente révèle que ces particules, souv ...
Des scientifiques de l'UCLA ont développé un dispositif de refroidissement innovant, composé de plusieurs couches minces de ...
Astuce: l'extension Simple Price Alerts (lien) permet d'être alerté d'une baisse de prix sur Amazon, AliExpress, Banggood, ...
Il y a 3,5 millions d'années, les Australopithèques, nos lointains ancêtres, se nourrissaient principalement de plantes. Une ...