Pangolins are the only true scaly mammal on the planet and are estimated to be the most trafficked. As part of Monagabay’s ...
Video is a powerful medium for engaging digital audiences around the world on critical climate and environmental issues. Mongabay’s Global team is accepting pitches on video content, from short-form ...
In May 2024, Mongabay published an analysis that uncovered irregularities in two REDD+ carbon credit projects in the Brazilian Amazon that found that they may be connected to illegal timber laundering ...
Al volverse cada vez más evidentes los efectos de la degradación ambiental, hacer periodismo de calidad se vuelve más importante que nunca. Sin embargo, al igual que el periodismo en general, la ...
À l’ère où les marques de dégradation de l’environnement sont de plus en plus visibles, le rôle d’un journalisme environnemental de qualité est essentiel. Mais comme le secteur de l’information dans ...
In September 2022, Mongabay Latam reported on the challenges faced by the Santa Rosillo de Yanayacu Indigenous community in the San Martin region of Peru. They were facing deforestation events driven ...
Founded in 1999, Mongabay is an award-winning environmental science and conservation news organization, which publishes original news on a daily basis in an objective (does not advocate), accurate ...
If you liked this story, share it with other people. Congresswoman Ruth Luque also shared and commented on the findings via her X account: “Story from @MongabayLatam details harsh reality in Cenepa.
In December 2022, a Mongabay investigation conducted by Features Writer Karla Mendes reported that the only Brazilian company certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) had been ...
Emilie is a graphic designer specializing in animation, GIS, and data visualization. Based in Southeast Asia for nearly eight years, she has collaborated with international organizations, NGOs, and ...
Application Deadline: September 30th, 2013 While deforestation rates have slowed and areas under protection have increased in recent decades, global […] ...